Terms And Conditions

Welcome to Parceloca. Parceloca has developed a peer-to-peer delivery platform accessible on a mobile application designed (I) to put individuals (runners) in a given destination in contact with requesters whose parcels are in that same direction or that are in the same location as they are or in their vicinity, in order to enable them to deliver them, and (ii) to book and schedule deliveries.

By using the Parceloca application, you agree, on behalf of yourself and all members of your household and others who use any Service under your account, to the following conditions. You understand and recognize that Parceloca is not a party to any agreement, contract or contractual relations of any nature, entered into between the Members of the Platform or between you and the runner.

Privacy Policy

This policy applies to any users of the services of Parceloca anywhere in the world, and to anyone else who contacts Parceloca or otherwise submits information to Parceloca, unless noted in the Privacy Notice.

Parceloca operates, and processes personal data; wherever and whenever you go, your data goes with you so we can offer you a seamless experience. We also respect your data protection rights whether you are in your home country or elsewhere.

To help provide equivalent data protection wherever you use our services, Parceloca has implemented the following measures across the globe:

Policies and procedures to limit access to, and the processing of, personal data for defined purposes; specific training of personnel responsible for managing personal data;

a government data access policy that refuses government access to data, except when disclosure is mandated by applicable laws, robust protection of data while it is in transit between our servers, and when the data is processed on our servers. This includes encryption and the use of pseudonymized data to help protect users’ full identity against unauthorized disclosure.

Registration on the platform and creation of an account.

Conditions on registration on the platform.

The Platform may be used by individuals aged 18 or over. Registration on the platform by a minor is strictly prohibited. In accessing, using or registering on the Platform, you represent and warrant that you are aged 18 or over.

Parceloca collects the following data.

  • User profile information: Name, contacts, phone number and Profile Photo
  • Identity verification: Identity card or passport number and photo.

All identity details and information collected are solely for the purposes of security and verification to ensure the platform is being used for the purpose it was intended and to protect the users.


Information collected

Parceloca must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, including when you install, access, or use our Services.

The types of information we receive and collect depend on how you use our Services. We require certain information to deliver our Services and without this we will not be able to provide our Services to you. For example, you must provide your mobile phone, email address, Profile photo and Identity number to create an account to use our Services.

Our Services have optional features which, if used by you, require us to collect additional information to provide such features. You will be notified of such collection, as appropriate. If you choose not to provide the information needed to use a feature, you will be unable to use the feature. For example, you cannot share your location with your contacts if you do not permit us to collect your location data from your device. Permissions can be managed through your Settings menu.

Information provided by the user

Your Account Information. You must provide your mobile phone number and basic information (including a profile name, Photo, Identity number and photo of identification document) to create a Parceloca account. If you don’t provide us with this information, you will not be able to create an account to use our Services.

Your Contacts. Parceloca uploads your contacts information including the numbers, identification document and photos on https://parceloca.com for purposes of matching with the users in Parceloca and security. This only for you to have the best experience with our services.

Customer Support and Other Communications. When you contact us for customer support or otherwise communicate with us, you may provide us with information related to your use of our Services, including copies of reviews or messages, any other information you deem helpful, and how to contact you (e.g., an email address). For example, you may send us an email with information relating to app performance or other issues.


Information Others Provide About You.

We receive information about you from other users. For example, when other users you know use our Services, they may provide your phone number, name, and other information just as you may provide theirs and may input your phone number and/or name on description for deliveries.

Data created during use of our service

Location data (runner and requester): We collect precise or approximate location data from drivers’ and delivery persons’ mobile devices when the Parceloca app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen).

Parceloca collects such data from the time a trip or order is requested until it is finished, and any time the app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen).

Transaction information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided; trip or order details (such as date and time, requested pick-up and drop-off addresses, distance travelled and items ordered); and payment transaction information (such as a restaurant’s or merchant’s name and location, amount charged and payment method).

Usage data: We collect data on how users interact with our services. This includes access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, browser type, app crashes and other system activity.

Communication data: We collect data regarding phone numbers, text or in-app communications between users that are enabled through Parceloca’s application. This includes date and time, as well as the content of text like item description.

Contacts and followers: We do not collect names or any other information from a user’s device address book. In the event you decide to join Parceloca, the limited information that we store is used to then help other Parceloca users who have your phone number to connect with you on Parceloca.

How we use personalized data:

Parceloca uses data to enable reliable and convenient delivery. We also use such data:

  • to enhance the safety and security of our users and services
  • for customer support: Parceloca uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user concerns and to monitor and improve our customer support responses and processes
  • for research and development: We use data for testing, research, analysis, product development and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us make our services more convenient and easier to use, enhance the safety and security of our services and develop new services and features.
  • to enable communications between users: For example, a driver may message or call a rider to confirm a pick-up location, a rider may contact a driver to retrieve a lost item, or a restaurant or delivery person may call an order recipient with information about their order.
  • to send non-marketing communications to users through email and SMS whenever necessary
  • in connection with legal proceedings
  • To match your contacts and images with the ones available on the system in order to enable our users to invite their contacts if they so wish.


Parceloca does not sell or share user data with third parties for purposes of their direct marketing.

Creation of an account

The Platform enables Members to post delivery-notifications and view notifications and to interact with each other to make an order. You cannot view the notifications if you are not registered on the Platform, neither can you post a delivery request or book a delivery without having first created an Account and become a member.

To register on the Platform, you must have read and accepted these T&Cs and the Privacy Policy.

When creating your Account, regardless of the method chosen, you agree to provide accurate and true information, and to update it through your profile or by notifying Parceloca, in order to guarantee its relevance and accuracy throughout your contractual relations with Parceloca.

Parceloca reserves the right to delete or suspend any account without notice if it deems that the user has provided false or misleading information regarding their identity.

In the case of registration by email, you agree to keep secret the password chosen upon creating your Account and not to communicate it to anybody. If you lose or disclose your password, you undertake to inform Parceloca immediately. You alone are responsible for the use of your Account by third parties, unless you have expressly notified Parceloca of the loss, the fraudulent use by a third party, or the disclosure of your password to a third party.

You agree not to create or use, under your own identity or that of a third party, Accounts other than that initially created.


Parceloca may, for the purposes of transparency, improving trust, or prevention or detection of fraud, set up a system for verification of some of the information you provide on your profile. This is notably the case when you enter your telephone number or provide us with an Identity descriptions or document.

Parceloca does not disclose this information to any third party and only name of user will be disclosed on the profile. The users phone location and number can only be seen once they have accepted an order for delivery it is for delivery purposes only.

Use of the services.

Parceloca has set up a system for ordering and initiating delivery online on the Platform.

The methods of ordering delivery depend on the nature of the item to be delivered.

Parceloca provides to users on the Platform a search engine for users to follow, to add to your network for prospect requesters or runners.

All users have the right to delete their account or report anything they may deem as infringement to their rights to use the platform to the provided channels of communication.

Named nature of making an order and terms of use of the Service on behalf of a third party.

Any use of the service, in the capacity of the runner or requester, relates to a specific name. The driver and the passenger must correspond to the identity communicated to Parceloca and the other Members in the platform where applicable.

However, Parceloca allows Members to make requests for deliveries on behalf of a third party. In this case, you undertake to accurately indicate to the runner, at the time of the booking, the forenames, age and telephone number of the person on whose behalf you are making a request or from whom the package will be picked from.

Review System and Rating.

Parceloca encourages you to leave a review and rating about a runner (if you are a requester) or about a requester (if you are a runner) with whom you have or was supposed to have transacted. However, you are not permitted to leave a review about another runner/requester with whom you have not transacted with.

Your review, and the review left by another Member about you, if any, are only visible and published on the platform after you have both left a review.

You have the option to respond to a review that another Member has left on your profile. The review and your response, where applicable, will be published on your profile.

Moderation of reviews

Moderation of reviews, where applicable, will be published on your profile.

You recognize and accept that Parceloca reserves the right not to publish or to delete any review, any question, any comment or any response if it deems its content breaches these T&Cs.


Parceloca reserves the right to suspend your Account, limit your access to the Services, or terminate these T&Cs.

Financial conditions

Access to and registration on the Platform, as well as searching, viewing and posting are free of charge. However, requesting a delivery is charged under the conditions described below:

Services fees

Parceloca in exchange for use of the Platform, at the time of request shall collect service fees (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Fees”). Parceloca reserves the right to modify at any time the methods of calculation of the Service fees.

Payment of the price

Payment for any Order made through the Platform is made by any means suitable between the requester and the delivery person. All payments to Parceloca are made via Mpesa only through payment feature within the app. The customer has the option of saving the information relating to one or more credit in his/her customer account so that he or she does not have to systematically enter this information when making subsequent payments.

These transactions will exist between the runner and the requester. Both parties should confirm that payment is being made to the correct person.

Fees and payments

Parceloca charges a Service fee paid by runners of 20 percent inclusive of V.A.T of 16 percent on all successful trips. Posting to public for initiating runs are also charged at ksh.17 per post. All commissions due to Parceloca are to be deposited via M-pesa once the ceiling set by Parceloca is reached. Parceloca reserves the right to change the ceiling commission, the service charge and the fee for posting to public.

Dispute resolution

Time Limit to Bring a Claim Or Dispute regarding fulfillment of orders by a runner or a customer or payments involved. THESE TERMS ALSO LIMIT THE TIME YOU HAVE TO BRING A CLAIM OR DISPUTE, INCLUDING THE TIME TO START AN ARBITRATION OR, IF PERMISSIBLE, A COURT ACTION OR SMALL CLAIMS PROCEEDING TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. We and you agree that for any Dispute (except for the Excluded Disputes defined below) we and you must bring Claims (including commencing an arbitration proceeding) within 7 days after the Dispute first arose; otherwise, such Dispute is permanently barred. This means that if we or you do not bring a Claim (including commencing an arbitration) within 7 days after the Dispute first arose, then the arbitration will be dismissed because it was started too late.

Any other dispute regarding other infringements and other kinds of disputes including discrimination are limited to 1 year since occurrence.

Parceloca is a reflection of our diverse community of cultures, ages and beliefs. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the different points of view that create a safe and open environment for everyone.

We want to foster a positive, diverse community. We remove content that contains credible threats or hate speech, content that targets private individuals to degrade or shame them, personal information meant to blackmail or harass someone, and repeated unwanted messages. We do generally allow stronger conversation around people who are featured in the news or have a large public audience due to their service and kind of activity.

It’s never OK to encourage violence or attack anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities or diseases.

Threats of harm to public and personal safety aren’t allowed. This includes specific threats of physical harm as well as threats of theft, vandalism and other financial harm. We carefully review reports of threats and consider many things when determining whether a threat is credible.

Limitation Of Liability



You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Parceloca and partners (each, an “Indemnified Party”) from and against any losses, claims, actions, costs, damages, penalties, fines and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ and experts’ fees and expenses, that may be incurred by an Indemnified Party arising out of, relating to or resulting from: (i) your unauthorized use of the Services or from any breach by you of these Terms, including without limitation any actual or alleged violation of any law, rule or regulation; (ii) any third party’s access or use of the Services using your Parceloca user account; or (iii) any dispute or issue between you and any third party, including without limitation any Retailer or other Third Party Provider.

Termination and deactivation of account

You can stop using the Services at any time and without notice to us. This will be done through the settings on your profile. However, Parceloca will check whether you have any commission pending or uncompleted trip so as to protect the interest of users who may not have received their items, or those with a pending dispute. Similarly, Parceloca may terminate access to the Services to you or any other users or stop offering all or part of the Services at any time.

Parceloca also reserves the right to suspend your Account, limit your access to the Services, or terminate these T&Cs, in the case of activity by you on the Platform which, owing to the nature of the transaction, entails a situation of fraud, illegal activity or contravention of the terms and conditions provided.

Changes to terms and conditions

We may make changes to these Terms from time to time. When Parceloca does so, it will post the most current version of the Terms on Parceloca website and, if a revision to the Terms is material, Parceloca will notify the user of the new Terms (for example, by email or a notification on the Services). Changes to these terms will not apply retroactively. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should discontinue your use of the Services.

Contact information

If you have any questions, or comments about these Terms please contact Parceloca at:

P.O. Box 51697-00100, GPO

Nairobi, Kenya

Mobile: +254740405772

Email: contact@parceloca.com

For customer service inquiries, please review Your Account Settings, visit Parceloca’s Help Center, or call +254740405772